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Blessing Your Spouse

Johnie Hinson

Updated: May 12, 2022

Have you ever thought about blessing your husband or wife? I know that that may sound strange to some, but personally, I think it’s a great idea.

In Psalm 103:1, we’re commanded to bless the Lord. It states: “Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name!” Even the Angels are commanded to Bless the Lord in 103:20; “Bless the Lord, you His angels, who excel in strength, who do His word.” So, why shouldn’t we bless our spouse? What does that mean? Bless is defined as “Special favor, mercy or benefit; To speak well of or approve.” I don't know any person who would not want to receive those blessings.

Rene is the only person other, than Jesus Christ, that I made a promise to love, honor, and respect. Just as I bless the Lord, why not bless her, the love of my life. How can I bless her? Number one, fulfill my promise or vow. That is the best gift that I can give her. I can also be patient with her, do things for her, spend time with her, hug and kiss her, hold her hand, buy her things, pay attention to what she has to say, protect our connection, and yes, even do the dishes sometimes. There’s a number of ways we can bless our spouse keeping in mind that when we bless them, we’re blessing our marriage. Believe me, marriages need to be blessed more often than not.

We must understand that marriages are under attack and Satan will do everything in his power to destroy them. Why? He hates God and everything associated with Him to include the marriage union. The marriage is a threat to Satan especially when godly couples raise and train godly generations. Therefore, this is my marriage and Rene is my wife. I’m responsible for fulfilling my role in helping her to build a meaningful connection Satan can’t disrupt or destroy. I want to enjoy my journey through life and Rene is a key part of that journey. I want her to miss me when we apart. I want her to return to a home environment that promotes love, honor and respect. I want our kids and grand kids to have a dad and mom that love each other and parents that love them. Therefore, I will bless my wife to protect my connections with her.

Psalm 103 not only commands us to bless the Lord, it lists five blessings that we will experience when we fulfill that commandment. Psalm 103:2-5 “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: who (1) forgives all your iniquities (sins), who (2) heals all your diseases, who (3) redeems your life from destruction, who (4) crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies, who (5) satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.” Just as there are benefits when we bless the Lord, there are benefits when we bless our spouse.

The main reason that I need to bless Rene is because it's part of my promise to love, honor and respect her. In addition, I need to bless her whether or not I think she. That's the power of the promise! One of the many things that Jesus revealed to me on my journey to rediscover relationships was that I can only control what I do. I can’t make Rene love me or care because she must choose to do that on her own. Therefore, I choose to fulfill my my promise to her because that’s what the Lord expects me to do. Once again, this is MY relationship and I want to enjoy being a part of it. That means that I make every effort to make it great by blessing my wife.

Please see my book order page and get a book with much more relationship information. Let me suggest: My Journey To Rediscover Relationships

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Website created by Stacey Hartman, Colette Holloway & Johnie Hinson

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